Below are the Route 66 sermon notes created by Dr. Ron Jones for each week of the series. Download and print them out in preparation for Sunday worship in-person or online. Access Route 66 sermons here.

This Week's Notes

Road Trip 1: The Books of the Law

January 10, 2021
Genesis: The Beginning of All Things

January 17, 2021
Exodus: Freedom from Slavery

January 24, 2021
Leviticus: Worshipping a Holy God

January 31, 2021
Numbers: Wilderness Wanderings

February 7, 2021
Deuteronomy: Remembering the Law of God

Road Trip 2: The Old Testament Historical Books

February 14, 2021
Joshua: Possessing the Promised Land

February 20, 2021
Judges: Anarchy and Apostasy

February 28, 2021
Ruth: Romance and Redemption

March 7, 2021
1 Samuel: Which Way Will You Turn

March 14, 2021
2 Samuel: My Heart Like God's

March 21, 2021
1 Kings: United or Divided?

March 28, 2021
2 Kings: The Decline and Captivity of a Nation

April 18, 2021
1 Chronicles: Return to Your Spiritual Roots

April 25, 2021
2 Chronicles: If My People

May 2, 2021
Ezra: Return from Exile

May 9, 2021
Nehemiah: Building a Better Life

May 16, 2021
Esther: For Such a Time as This

Road Trip 3: The Old Testament Wisdom Books

May 30, 2021
Job: Why Do the Righteous Suffer?

June 13, 2021
Psalms: Ancient Songs That Shape the Heart

June 20, 2021
Proverbs: Wise Sayings for Everyday Life

June 27, 2021
Ecclesiastes: The Ultimate Meaning of Life

July 4, 2021
Song of Solomon: The Secrets of a Satisfying Marriage

Road Trip 4: The Old Testament Major Prophets

July 18, 2021
Isaiah: God Is My Salvation

July 25, 2021
Jeremiah: A New Covenant

August 1, 2021
Lamentations: Great is Thy Faithfulness

August 8, 2021
Ezekiel: The Glory of God

August 15, 2021
Daniel: Standing Strong Until the End of the Age

Road Trip 5: The Old Testament Minor Prophets

August 22, 2021
Hosea: God's Loyal Love

September 5, 2021
Joel: The Awesome Day of the Lord

September 12, 2021
Amos: Seek God and Live

September 19, 2021
Obadiah: Sovereign Justice

September 26, 2021
Jonah: The Biggest Fish Story Ever Told

October 3, 2021
Micah: What the Lord Requires

October 10, 2021
Nahum: Slow to Anger

October 17, 2021
Habakkuk: Why, God?

October 24, 2021
Zephaniah: Wrath and Blessing

October 31, 2021
Haggai: Time to Build for God's Glory

November 7, 2021
Zechariah: Yahweh Remembers

November 14, 2021
Malachi: Making Great the Lord's Name

Road Trip 6: The Gospels and the Early Church

November 21, 2021
Matthew: Who Is Your King?

November 28, 2021
Mark: He Came to Serve

December 5, 2021
Luke: Behold the Man

January 9, 2022
John: Reasons to Believe

January 16, 2022
Acts: You Shall Be My Witnesses

Road Trip 7: The Pauline Epistles

January 30, 2022
Romans: The Christian Manifesto

February 20, 2022
1 Corinthians: Body Life

February 27, 2022
2 Corinthians: A Defense of Ministry

March 6, 2022
Galatians: Freedom from Religion

March 13, 2022
Ephesians: Basic Christianity

March 20, 2022
Philippians: Choose Joy

March 27, 2022
Colossians: Jesus is Greater Than

April 3, 2022
1 Thessalonians: The Lord's Coming

April 10, 2022
2 Thessalonians: Until Christ Returns

April 24, 2022
1 Timothy: Guarding the Sacred Trust

May 1, 2022
2 Timothy: Keeping the Faith

May 8, 2022
Titus: Putting Things in Order

May 15, 2022
Philemon: Freedom, Forgiveness, and Second Chances

Road Trip 8: The General Epistles and Revelation

May 22, 2022
Hebrews: The Superiority of Jesus

May 29, 2022
James: Your Faith in Action

June 5, 2022
1 Peter: Born Again to a Living Hope

June 12, 2022
2 Peter: Growing in Grace and Knowledge

June 19, 2022
1 John: Walking in Fellowship with God

June 26, 2022
2 and 3 John: Walking in Truth, Love, and Obedience

July 3, 2022
Jude: Contending for the Faith

July 10, 2022
Revelation: The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ