We are thrilled that you are interested in serving in the ministry of Crossway Church. We love those who serve and value them deeply. We also wish for you to have a healthy and fulfilling experience as you serve the Lord according to your divine design. But it helps to know how we do things at Crossway Church.

At Crossway, we use the term "Way Maker," instead of "volunteer," which points to our tagline, "the way home." Our God is the way and the first Way Maker (John 14:6; Isaiah 43:19); He has made a way for us, and we consider it a privilege to help others find their way home to God.

N. WAY-MAY-KUHR: One who takes great pleasure in making a way for others to experience Jesus.

We say Way Maker instead of volunteer because a volunteer is someone who randomly signs up and hopefully shows up. A Way Maker, on the other hand, takes great pleasure in making a way for others to see and experience Jesus. Way Makers are the heartbeat of Crossway Church and help make it a spiritual home for everybody.

Our Way Makers are the first to engage guests and leave a lasting impression. And while every detail of one's Crossway experience may not be remembered, people will remember how we made them feel. Way Makers care, remain flexible, have fun, and serve the needs of others as they serve the Lord.

At Crossway Church, we say, "We are Crossway," and those who serve also say, "We are Way Makers." 

Are you ready to serve as a Way Maker at Crossway Church?

To ensure the best experience for both you and the church, we developed a placement process. The first step in getting placed as a Way Maker at Crossway Church is to register for one of our Discovery Experiences called Discover Your Divine Design 401. In the meantime, let us know where you would like to serve by filling out the form below.