Thank you for your interest in prayer at Crossway Church. Join us in the many ways we pray for one another, the church, our community, and our nation.

How Can We Pray for You?

We believe in the power of prayer. We also believe God loves you and cares about what concerns your heart, and we care too. So, please let us know how we can pray for you and your family. Click here to share a confidential prayer request with our prayer teams.

Pastor's Prayer Partners

The Pastor's Prayer Partners provide intercessory support for the lead pastor, pastoral staff, ministry and administrative staff, their families, and the ministries of the church. Prayer parters also serve as Sunday morning prayer counselors, coordinate prayer in life groups, and help lead other prayer gatherings throughout the life of the church. To learn more and express your interest in serving as a Pastor's Prayer Partner, contact us.

her Prayer Team

her Prayer is the team of women at Crossway who intercede for her. They also participate in the broader prayer ministry of the church. If you're interested in serving on the her Prayer Team, contact us.

Life Group Prayer Coordinators

Prayer happens in our life groups as part of spiritual formation and care. Each life group has a volunteer who coordinates the prayer needs for each life group. Let your life group leader know if you would like to serve as a prayer coordinator.

Pastor's Prayer Breakfast

The Pastor's Prayer Breakfast happens annually and coincides with the National Day of Prayer held in May each year.

Wednesday Night Prayer Gathering

Led by members of the Pastor's Prayer Partners, prayer happens on Wednesday nights on campus from 6:30pm to 7:45pm in the Prayer Chapel. All are welcome to come and pray. If you need prayer for any reason, you are welcome to come as well.

Prayer Counselors

On Sunday morning, our prayer counselors meet with people that are ready to make a spiritual decision in response to the sermon. They encourage and counsel people in personal salvation, baptism, church membership, and more. They are available at the front of the auditorium or in the Prayer Chapel after each worship gathering. If you would like to serve as a prayer counselor, contact us.

Seasons of Prayer and Fasting

From time to time, the church enters a particular season of prayer and fasting led by our pastors and the prayer teams.

Learn more about fasting