Crossway Global is the worldwide missions and local outreach ministry of the church. The gospel initiatives we support include, but are not limited to, the following causes that help us glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ who go and make disciples.

  • Training Pastors
  • Planting Churches
  • Sending God’s Word
  • Feeding the Homeless
  • Defending Life
  • Rescuing Orphans
  • Disaster Relief
  • Evangelism and Discipleship

A Crossway Global partnerships fall into one of three categories:

  1. Crossway MissionariesA Crossway Missionary is someone who was previously an active member of the church whom God called into a vocational gospel ministry that helps extend the mission of Crossway Church. Some missionaries serve locally and others serve internationally in places like Camaroon, Indonesia, and Africa.
  2. Strategic PartnersA Strategic Partner is a larger non-profit organization that aligns well with Crossway Church in cause, gospel heart, mission strategy, and theology. As an extension of our ministry, we invest in theirs because they have a proven record of successful, faithful, and fruitful ministry implementation.
  3. Institutional Outreach. Institutional outreach describes specific local outreach or global missions that Crossway Church funds, administrates, and implements directly like benevolence, food pantry, and local media outreach.

Who Do We Support?


Below is a list of Crossway missionaries, strategic missions partners, and institutional outreach we currently support financially through the faithful and generous giving of our church family, and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Benevolence
  • Christian Surfers, Missionaries Casey and Jennifer Cruciano
  • Child Evangelism Fellowship, Missionary Stephanie Foley
  • Chosen People Ministries, Missionaries (Prof.) David and Julia Sedaca
  • Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater
  • CRU, Missionary Ben Bennet
  • FORWARD Hampton Roads Church Planting
  • International Mission Board (IMB) of the SBC
  • North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the SBC
  • Operation Blessing
  • Project Lucas, Missionaries Scott and Alisa Dishong
  • Recovery for Life, Missionaries Paul and Suzie Hardy
  • Shores Food Pantry
  • Something Good Radio with Dr. Ron Jones
  • Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia (SBCV)
  • World Help, Guatemala Church Planting
  • World Team, Missionaries Nathan and Laurel Conrod

Crossway Global Funding

We teach biblical financial stewardship and believe God's way to fund His gospel work is through the systematic giving of His church. As a starting point, we direct at least ten percent of all giving to Crossway Church to support our many local outreach and global missions initiatives. For these reasons, we do not fund church ministries or missions through additional car washes, candy bar sales, bake sales, yard sales, or the like.  

The elder body reviews and approves funding for all Crossway Global initiatives.

Go to Crossway Stories to learn more about the gospel work of our Crossway Global Partners.