
Our Kids Ministry lobby is the best place for you to start. There, you will find friendly volunteers to help you get your children checked into kids ministry. You can plan your first visit and/or download our APP


We carefully screen all kids ministry volunteers with a professional background check, and nobody is allowed to serve alone with a child. For the protection of the child, we also utilize a check-in system that provides a unique number for your child and requires parents to provide the receipt with a matching number to release the child from our ministry environment. We will text you if your child requires your attention while in our care. Please keep your cell phone on vibrate during the worship service.


We practice the Golden Rule and ask that you only bring well children to participate in a Crossway Kids ministry experience. No kids with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, coughing, rashes, skin or eye infections, or childhood diseases like chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc. Teachers will not accept a child with these symptoms into the ministry environment.