Crossway Stories
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Alfred battled addiction to alcohol until Jesus Christ set him free

Having run away from God, Kathleen was lost, but now she is found

What were you doing nearly fifty years ago? We are Crossway!

George and Fran meet Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals

Barlen listens to Something Good Radio while truckin' on the road

Miguel and Carin get connected in real community

Nathan and Laurel serve the Lord and the Baka people in Cameroon

Casey and Jen reach surfers for Christ on the African coast

Mike and Sherry practice biblical financial stewardship

John and Kathy learn to trust God with their financial future

The fields are white unto harvest for our many global initiatives

Making a difference in Guatemala through church planting

Strengthening the church globally through radio broadcasting

Rich decides to follow Jesus in baptism at Sandbridge beach

44 students, 3 salvations, and 3 calls to ministry at student camp 2024.