“You are now entering the mission field” is the missional mindset we adopt as we gather in neighborhood groups throughout the week, extending our Sunday experience. A neighborhood group is a smaller gathering of people that organically S.E.R.V.E. together.

Spiritual Formation

Neighborhood groups gather for Bible study, prayer, and discussion about the pastor's Bible-based sermon. Life change happens best in the context of community and small group discussion. 


Neighborhood groups reach out through evangelism. They find ways to connect with unchurched and dechurched people in their neighborhood and community, build relationships of integrity, and share the gospel.


The neighborhood group that plays together stays together. They find ways to have fun and enjoy life through recreation. This is not hard to do in the Virginia Beach area, which is one of the best recreational destinations in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States.


Neighborhood groups find ways to volunteer on the church campus to make the weekends happen at Crossway Church; they also find ways to volunteer in their community and become the hands and feet of Jesus to others.

Extending Care and Compassion

Neighborhood groups care for one another when a family crisis arises. They pray for one another, visit one another in the hospital, provide meals, and more. The body of Christ caring for itself is a beautiful thing to see and experience.