Atlantic Shores Baptist Church of Virginia Beach (est. 1981) is now Crossway Church. In response to the changing world in which we minister the gospel, we placed the cross of Christ at the center of the church’s identity. We are not ashamed to say, “We are Crossway!”

  • The CROSS of Christ is the WAY to eternal life.
  • The CROSS of Christ is the WAY to the abundant life.
  • The CROSS of Christ is the WAY home to God.

This name change is more than mere marketing; it represents a strategic ministry adjustment that aligns our identity with our gospel mission. It also aligns with the biblical message we proclaim and the renovated architecture throughout our physical campus, which still highlights the cross.

The first thing we hope you still notice when you arrive to our campus at the corner of Kempsville Road and Centerville Turnpike in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is a beautiful cross tower that reaches 56 feet into the sky—that’s taller than a four-story building!

Now renovated, this cross tower continues to point people to Jesus as we glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ who go and make disciples.

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:17

For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:2


Why did Atlantic Shores Baptist Church change its name to Crossway Church?

A lot has changed in more than four decades since Atlantic Shores Baptist Church began under the leadership of a visionary church-planting pastor. The world in which we live today is so different. The winds of our culture have shifted in ways that demand our ministry methods change, even as we continue to proclaim the unchanging gospel message.

A wise person once said,

The pessimist complains about the wind.
The optimist expects the wind to change.
The leader adjusts the sails.  

This is not 1981. This is 2024. Now is the time to catch gospel trade winds to reach a new generation. For us, that means adjusting our ministry sails in a way that places the cross of Jesus Christ at the center of our identity. That’s why Atlantic Shores Baptist Church is now Crossway Church.


Why is the word “Baptist” not in the new name? Are we no longer a Baptist church?

You probably noticed that the word “Baptist” is no longer in our name. No worries. We remain a Southern Baptist (SBC) church and continue our participation in the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia (SBCV). Also, we remain baptistic in our theology. To be clear, our name has changed but our theology and denominational affiliation has not.

When will we start using the new name, Crossway Church?

We will continue operating as Atlantic Shores Baptist Church until we hold our first public worship service in the renovated facilities. We anticipate that happening mid-summer 2024. Until then and for some time after, expect to hear transitional messaging until the new name registers with people.

Does the red color in the new logo have meaning?

Our primary color is red to remind us that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from sin, and there is still wonder-working power in His blood. That message remains central in the way we preach and teach God’s eternal word.

What do you say to people who have a hard time accepting the name change?

For some people, we will always be Atlantic Shores Baptist Church. The nostalgic, wistful affection for the past is just too strong for them. If that describes you, we love you, and we invite you to embrace this exciting season in the life of our church. However, for everyone in the future who meets us and our Savior through the ministry of this church, we are Crossway!



The Way Home.